时间:2023-01-05 16:34:06来源:本站作者:超级管理员点击:798
Product Name: ferrule ball valve
Product model: QG.QY1
Connection mode: thread, compression ferrule
Product material: WCB, stainless steel 304 / 316
Thread standard: G, NPT, BSPT, BSP, DIN
Ferrule size: Ф6、Φ8、Ф10、Φ12、Ф14、Φ16、Ф18、Φ20、Ф22
Product pressure: ≤ 6.4 MPa
Operating temperature: ≤ 200 ℃
Medium used: water, oil, weak corrosive medium, etc
Handle color: red, yellow, blue
Handle material: 304, 201
Product Description:
Manual switch of ferrule ball valve, floating ball seat, ferrule connection, split ball core of valve body, side installation, valve core 304 stainless steel, valve seat PTFE, PTFE material, integral SS304 stainless steel valve body, degreasing treatment is required when the medium is oxygen. Installation and disassembly, firm connection, high pressure capacity, good sealing and repeatability, convenient installation and maintenance, safe and reliable operation, etc. It is widely used in hydraulic and pneumatic pipelines, business inflation, closing and venting of measuring instruments, vacuum systems such as control panels, high purification devices, high-pressure systems, gas analysis, test equipment, grain processing, test stations and all other appropriate equipment and places.
Structural drawing of ferrule ball valve:
Connecting dimension of ferrule ball valve:
Specifications | DO | L | LO | M | H44 | Nominal pressure |
DN4 | Ф6 | 90 | 110 | G1/2 | 44 | ≤6.4Mpa |
DN6 | Ф8 | 90 | 110 | G1/2 | 44 | ≤6.4Mpa |
DN8 | Ф10 | 90 | 110 | G1/2 | 44 | ≤6.4Mpa |
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