时间:2023-01-05 17:06:25来源:本站作者:超级管理员点击:789
Stainless steel ferrule ball valve is also called stainless steel ferrule ball valve, double ferrule ball valve, single ferrule ball valve, ferrule reducing ball valve, snap ring ball valve, snap ring ball valve, QG.Y1 ferrule ball valve, ferrule reducing ball valve . Widely used in water treatment equipment, chemical equipment, petrochemical equipment, petroleum equipment, papermaking equipment, mining equipment, power equipment, liquefied gas equipment, food equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, water supply and drainage equipment, mechanical equipment valves, electronic industrial valves, urban construction valves , Industrial pipeline valves, general parts, industrial equipment, fire-fighting HVAC, filtration equipment, environmental protection equipment and other fields. Since the ball valve usually uses rubber, nylon and polytetrafluoroethylene as the seat sealing ring material, its use temperature is limited by the seat sealing ring material. The cut-off function of the ball valve is accomplished by pressing the metal ball against each other between the plastic valve seats under the action of the medium (floating ball valve). Under the action of certain contact pressure, the valve seat sealing ring deforms elastically and plastically in some areas. This deformation can compensate the manufacturing accuracy and surface roughness of the ball, and ensure the sealing performance of the ball valve.
The ball valve is suitable for the opening and closing device for controlling or cutting off the pipeline medium under various pressures, temperatures and media of medium and small diameter pipelines; the ball is pressed against the valve seat at the outlet end by the pressure of the medium, and its use pressure and communication The diameter is limited. It adopts 90° transmission, so the switch is convenient and fast, and it can be opened and closed quickly.
Operation principle and structure description:
1. The ball valve channel is flat and smooth, which is convenient for pipeline sweeping and cleaning, and can transport media such as slurry and solid particles.
2. Using PTFE (Teflon) and other materials as the seal, it has good lubricity and elasticity, small friction with the sphere, and long service life.
3. Open and close quickly, only need to rotate the sphere 90° when opening and closing, which is convenient and fast.
4. The fluid resistance of the ball valve is small. When fully opened, the cross-sectional area of the ball channel, the valve body channel and the connecting pipe are equal, and they are in a straight line. The medium flows through the ball valve, which is equivalent to flowing through a straight-through pipe. The ball valve has the least fluid resistance.
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