Ferritic stainless steel

时间:2023-01-05 16:44:24来源:本站作者:超级管理员点击:667


Ferritic stainless steel: A stainless steel whose structure is mainly ferritic in use. The chromium content is between 11% and 30%, and it has a body-centered cubic crystal structure. This kind of steel generally does not contain nickel, and sometimes also contains a small amount of Mo, Ti, Nb and other elements. This kind of steel has the characteristics of large thermal conductivity, small 


expansion coefficient, good oxidation resistance, and excellent stress corrosion resistance. It is mostly used to make atmospheric resistance. , Water vapor, water and oxidizing acid corroded parts. This type of steel has disadvantages such as poor plasticity, significantly reduced plasticity and corrosion resistance after welding, which limits its application. The application of out-of-furnace refining technology (AOD or VOD) can greatly reduce interstitial elements such as carbon and nitrogen, so this type of steel is widely used. 






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